Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy


Dev Talk Monday: Is TDD Dead?

Dev Talk Monday is the series that brings you awesome dev talks every Monday

In the lasts months I have been having a nagging feeling, like something… undefined there in the back of my head that has been making me wonder… am I doing TDD and unit testing right?. So, it is very interesting, that, at the same time that I have started self-evaluating more intensely in this area and restrospecting about my practices, the same commotion or unrest is taking the software development community by storm. And this became very much a thing, very palpable when @dhh expressed his concern in his blog with “TDD is dead, long live testing”, @unclebobmartin responded with “Monogamous TDD”, and the debate ensued. Which, I must admit, is pretty awesome, because now we have all this smart people discussing the topic of TDD in a very constructive and mindblowing way.

And so, this weeks’ Dev Talk Monday is about TDD and a super interesting and fun hangout with @dhh, @martinfowler and @KentBeck titled Is TDD Dead?.

It looks like there will be more of these hangouts in the upcoming future. So, if you enjoyed it as much as I did, follow @martinfowler, @KentBeck and @dhh on twitter to find out when the next one will take place.

I leave you with this nice quote from the hangout. Have a great week!

If an idea is obviously bad, find a cheap way to try it, because if it turns out it is not bad, then it is really interesting. If you have an idea that is obviously good, then somebody else has probably tried it before.

Update: You can now enjoy the second and third screencasts of Is TDD Dead. Martin Fowler has also created a hub for all the is TDD Dead series that he will keep updating in the future.


I am going to Japan!!

Japaaaaaaaan!!! The misterious land of the rising sun, the samurai, ninja, amazing architecture, sushi, manga, beautiful landscapes, here we come! :)

tons of guides

I will be in Japan for the next two weeks! Have a greater Easter vacations! ^ _ ^


Dev Talk Monday: Why so mean?

Dev Talk Monday is the series that brings you awesome dev talks every Monday

Today I bring you a super interesting ALT.NET Seattle session titled “Why so mean?” that touches topics like how to be opinionated without being mean, how to create a nurturing .NET community for newbies, how to spread the word about best-practices, and more. As Cori says, it is fascinating to look back and catch a glimpse of a moment in the history of the .NET community :).

Have a great week!

P.S. awesome sweater XD


New Presentation: Edgar Allan Poe presents The Raven...DB What!?

UPDATE 10th April 2014: I did a newer, better version of this presentation for SWENUG - Sweden’s .NET User Group - in Linköping earlier this week and it was a blast!! Don’t miss the code samples at GitHub

A month ago I was hacking away on quiz4couples for iOS (wo! secret unveiled just like that!), slinging some Objective-C up and down, right and left, trying to get these weird storyboards, segues and… outlets to work, when to my surprise and wonder I was approached by an Amazon recruiter (○o○). They wanted me to participate in a round of interviews they were going to do here in Sweden for a job in the Kindle team in Seattle.

I had never ever thought of Amazon as a prospective employer but, of course, it was an interesting opportunity so I decided to give it a try and see where things led to, even though I was not even sure I wanted the job. Well… it led to nowhere, hahaha XDDD. It was a very interesting experience though, the Amazon girls and guys were great and I got to take a look at a bunch of tech stuff I have been wanting to rehash for a while but I have never felt I have had the time to: that is, cool computer science stuff such as data structures, algorithms, networking… and other stuff like distributed systems, scalability, databases, design patterns, NoSQL, and… RavenDB.


So just after the interview I got the chance to prepare a presentation around NoSQL and RavenDB for my teammates at Medius, that I will be improving and presenting for Swenug at the end of the month. Don’t freak out with the name of the presentation though, I like to use themes in my talks, as you may have noticed, but in this particular case, I hadn’t the slighlest idea about which theme to use…so I settled for Edgar and his raven.

Some good resources, by the by: