Speaking and Events Calendar
- May 29th. Devsum 2020 speaking about how the mysteries for the TypeScript Type System.
- May 21st. Google Developer Group Stockholm speaking about how you can be more productive with VSCode and Vim.
- May 18th. Hon kodar helping out in a Angular workshop for women who code.
- 25th October. TechDays Sweden. Progressive Web Apps, What, Why, How.
- 8th-9th June. Devsum 2017
- 29th June. Regent Meetup
- 4th March. Swenug Linköping. 1 day workshop “Getting Started Building Awesome Web Apps With Angular”
- 16th February. ngStockholm. Build Beautiful Web Apps With Angular Material
- 11th-12nd February. ngVikings 2017 (co-organizer)
- 30th-31st January. Swetugg 2017. Build Beautiful Web Apps With Angular Material 2
- 7th November. Swenug Stockholm. Get started Building Awesome Web Apps with Angular 2! Yey! - Rerun
- 6th October. Swenug Stockholm. Get started Building Awesome Web Apps with Angular 2! Yey!. Code samples
- 27th May. DevSum 2016. Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy. Recording available here.
- 30th March. ngStockholm. Angular 2 Getting Started workshop reprix
- 22nd March. ngStockholm. Angular 2 Getting Started Workshop
- 1st February. Swetugg 2016. Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy
- 25th September. Swenug Linköping. Level Up Your Code Fu With Chuck Norris (and ReSharper)
- 8th April. Swenug Linköping. NoSQL using RavenDB

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.