I love writing! So much so that I’ve gone through the grueling experience of writing a book several times and I’m still going back for more. Here you can find more details about the books that I’ve written, what I’m working on right now and what’s to come.
JavaScript-mancy: Mastering the Arcane Art of Writing JavaScript
The JavaScript-mancy series is the lovechild of three of my passions: JavaScript, writing and Fantasy. In the pages of each one of the books of the series you’ll find a breadth of JavaScript knowledge, delivered with a humorous and casual style of writing and sprinkled with Fantasy at every turn.
These are the weirdest and quirkiest JavaScript books you’ll ever find. There’s nothing out there quite like it.
Book 1. JavaScript-mancy: Getting Started

This is the first book of the JavaScript-mancy series. Within its mysterious pages you’ll find:
- A great introduction to the JavaScript language full of fantasy inspired examples and exercises
- A detailed look at the new and awesome ES6 features in a historical context, highlighting why they exist and which problems they’re trying to solve
- A lot of references to C# that will make it super easy for C# and Java developers to wrap their heads around JavaScript and its quirks. (This also extends to developers familiar with strongly typed languages)
- A breathtaking story of EPIC proportions and awkward sense of humor…
Imagine… imagine you lived in a world were you could use JavaScript to change the universe around you, to tamper with the threads that compose reality as you know it and do anything that you can imagine. Well, welcome to the world of JavaScript-mancy, where wizards, also known as JavaScriptmancers, control the arcane winds of magic wielding JavaScript to and fro and command the very fabric of reality.
We, programmers, sadly do not live in such a world. But we do have a measure of magic in ourselves, we have the skills and power to create things out of nothingness. And even if we cannot throw fireballs or levitate (yet), we can definitely change/improve/enhance reality and the universe around us with our little creations. Ain’t that freaking awesome?
Well, I hope this book inspires you to continue creating, and using this beautiful skill we share, this time, with JavaScript.
Buy JavaScript-mancy: Getting Started! Yey!
Book 2. JavaScript-mancy: Object-Oriented Programming

The second book in the JavaScript-mancy series is the book on JavaScript OOP I wish had existed when I moved from C# into JavaScript. Within its mysterious pages you’ll find:
- A great introduction to OOP in JavaScript full of fantasy inspired examples and exercises
- A detailed look at the pillars of OOP in JavaScript adapted for developers with a C# background
- An awesome walkthrough of how to achieve classical inheritance in JavaScript with and without ES6 classes
- A step beyond classical inheritance into new OOP paradigms that take advantage of the dynamic nature of JavaScript to bring super flexibility and composability into your apps
- A look into the obscure object internals and meta-programming with the new Reflect API, Proxies and Symbols
- A thorough introduction to TypeScript and how it can boost your developer productivity
- A lot of references to C# that will make it super easy for C# and Java developers to wrap their heads around JavaScript and its quirks. (This also extends to developers familiar with strongly typed languages)
- A breathtaking story of EPIC proportions and awkward sense of humor…
Buy JavaScript-mancy: OOP! Wihoo!

This is a compendium that contains all JavaScript-mancy works in one single mega book. If you get this book you’ll get all my present and future JavaScript-mancy books, you’ll be able to affect the development of the series and will effectively become my patron.
At this point in time, this book includes JavaScript-mancy: Getting Started, JavaScript-mancy: OOP and very rough drafts for the upcoming books on Functional Programming, Async, Patterns, Tooling and writing modern web apps with Angular.
Buy The Mighty JavaScript-mancy Compendium! Wazzaaaa!
Upcoming books in this series
The upcoming books in this series will delve into these topics:
- Functional programming
- Async programming
- Practical Modern web development
I’m also considering working on a updated and revised second edition less focused towards C# developers.
Wizards Use Vim

This is a weird programming book. On one hand it is a awesome book on the superb vim text editor. On the other a spell book of sorts set in a world of fantasy where some people can wield JavaScript to affect the world around them. To essentially program the world and bend it to their will.
Welcome to the world of JavaScript-mancy, may you enjoy your stay, learn and have a lot of fun.
Get Wizards Use Vim and Start Coding Like a Powerful Wizard! Kadooosh!
Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim

Boost Your Coding Fu is a concise introduction to Vim in VSCode meant to get you over the initial hump and gliding into new lands of coding productivity.
Unleash the power of Vim in Visual Studio Code, boost your productivity and become an even more awesome developer.

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.