Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy


Inspiration Corner: Minecraft The Story Of Mojang

The inspiration corner is the space where I share talks, speeches, videos, articles, posts, whatever that helps me keep my motivation, energy and passion fresh, and what I hope will serve you as well as it does me.

I like to see myself like a beam of positiveness, an inexhaustible source of energy and unbending willpower. Sometimes, however, I get tired… veeery tired. In those moments, I find it is great to recharge with inspiring tales and stories of others. Like this one, the story of minecraft and mojang.

Don’t miss it, it’s available on the official website or the pirate bay. Believe me, you are going to love it :).

P.S. If you get the deluxe edition you’re gonna get a tooon of extra content XD


Quick! Come to dotNetConf!

dotNetConf, the free, virtual conference of all cool things .NET started just two hours ago! Come and join, there’s a bunch of smart developers hanging out on Jabbr following the event.

dotNetConf logo

Btw, you can access all sessions from the conference on YouTube. They are being added as they are recorded. Isn’t that awesome.


Barbarian Meets Knockout.js: Introduction, or How to Enrich your HTML Views with Unparagoned User Experience

The “barbarian meets” series are a collection of articles that intend to introduce and explain useful libraries, frameworks, tools and technologies in simple and straightforward terms. These new series will focus on Knockout.js, the popular JavaScript MVVM library

Have you ever done any XAML development? Have you ever wondered or considered how cool it would be to use XAML-style data bindings and MVVM on the web? How awesome to get that level of rich user experience and separation of concerns? Well, that is what Knockout.js is all about.

And now that I have painted a clear picture in your mind .NET developer, and alienated you non .NET developer for using a completely useless simile I will go with the more accurate, yet less sensational introduction:

Knockout.js is an outstanding JavaScript library that lets you create super rich user experiences in the web by providing an easy and seamless way to sync your HTML views with your underlying data. Its core strengths: declarative two-way data bindings and a full-blown templating engine.

I understand… words are just words… you want to see some code! Behold!!!

Read on →