The Barbaric Development Toolbox is a series of posts where I write about awesome and indispensable tools and libraries that enhance productivity and make our lives as software developers much easier and enjoyable.
I was doing some coding yesterday that involved some unit testing, and all the while I was thinking… “Damn, NCrunch is freaking awesome”, “test, code, test, code”, “red, green, red, green”, “aaaawesome”, “this is a tool everyone should have in their toolbox and enjoy”, “but wait… I do have a blog where I can write whatever I want, and…”. And thus, here we are, I hereby inaugurate a new section in the blog: The Barbaric Development Toolbox, for the betterment of every Software Developer’s life :).
But I will not start with NCrunch, because if I had to recommend one and only one tool to any .NET developer my choice would definitely be ReSharper, probably the most renowed productivity plug-in for Visual Studio. This tool has single-handedly increased my productivity with Visual Studio tenfold and I can’t imagine using Visual Studio without it :).
But @hhariri can show it better than I, take a look at the video below and discover Why ReSharper is Awesome:
If you are not yet convinced take a look at ReSharper’s full feature catalog and download the free 30-day trial. Believe me, just try it out, start learning a shortcut per day (CTLR+T could be the first), and at the end of that month you will be in awe at the difference in productivity.
Ups… Malin just came to the mancave to kick my butt and drag me to bed :) Cheers!
P.S. I am not getting a dime for this. I am just doing it because ReSharper is an absolutely outstanding tool.