Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy


quiz4couples muy caliente on the windows developer show

I was listening live to The Windows Developer Show this last Friday, and, to my huge surprise, Ryan suddenly started talking about quiz4couples!. Both Ryan and Travis gave great compliments to the app and the landing page. I could not be more grateful and happy, so thank you guys!!

“He is a Spanish software developer… So his app is caliente… well, muy, muy caliente”

Awesome! These guys are freaking hilarious XDD Don’t miss it! Go and listen to The Windows Developer Show episode 96: Get To Know Your Spouse, and any other episode for that matter, because the podcast is just great.


Epic Articles and News Week 49: Awesome Resources For Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 (and some updates)

Welcome stranger, sit down by the fire and let us hear the epic deeds, the tales of joy, of woe and of note that occurred these past seven days.

Hello guys! This month I had the idea to read Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code, turn its examples into Katas and relax in general. But I am afraid I am going to have to pivot and change plans :). Refactoring is a great book, and I will write a separate article about my impressions in my next reading digest, but it is too elementary. It is the kind of book I would have loved to read at the very start of my career, but today, most of its teachings I have ingrained in my programmers’ soul and use as instinctively as breathing.

Instead my plan is to merge December’s and January’s Barbaric Monthly and build my first Windows 8 app. How does that sound? :)

I am going to start brainstorming and prototyping today. In the meantime, I leave you with some super interesting stuff I have been listening/viewing/reading lately:

Epic Podcasts

Epic Courses


Barbaric Development Toolbox: Boost Your Productivity With ReSharper

The Barbaric Development Toolbox is a series of posts where I write about awesome and indispensable tools and libraries that enhance productivity and make our lives as software developers much easier and enjoyable.

I was doing some coding yesterday that involved some unit testing, and all the while I was thinking… “Damn, NCrunch is freaking awesome”, “test, code, test, code”, “red, green, red, green”, “aaaawesome”, “this is a tool everyone should have in their toolbox and enjoy”, “but wait… I do have a blog where I can write whatever I want, and…”. And thus, here we are, I hereby inaugurate a new section in the blog: The Barbaric Development Toolbox, for the betterment of every Software Developer’s life :).

But I will not start with NCrunch, because if I had to recommend one and only one tool to any .NET developer my choice would definitely be ReSharper, probably the most renowed productivity plug-in for Visual Studio. This tool has single-handedly increased my productivity with Visual Studio tenfold and I can’t imagine using Visual Studio without it :).

But @hhariri can show it better than I, take a look at the video below and discover Why ReSharper is Awesome:

If you are not yet convinced take a look at ReSharper’s full feature catalog and download the free 30-day trial. Believe me, just try it out, start learning a shortcut per day (CTLR+T could be the first), and at the end of that month you will be in awe at the difference in productivity.

Ups… Malin just came to the mancave to kick my butt and drag me to bed :) Cheers!

P.S. I am not getting a dime for this. I am just doing it because ReSharper is an absolutely outstanding tool.


December is time for chillin'...and refactoring

I woke up this morning and was about to add my daily goals to Evernote… last note read 2012-11-30, look at the current date and damn! It’s December already! Where did November go? Where did 2012 go? :)

Anyhow, December is upon us! This month I have decided not to do a barbaric monthly, instead I will focus on reading, learning and practicing. I will start by finishing reading Martin Fowler’s Refactoring and turning its refactoring exercises into Code Katas at GitHub. Hopefully I will find some extra time to delve into other stuff, blog, increase the size of my teeny tiny Wiki, write a trial version of quiz4couples… and Chill!

Have a great weekend you all!


Black Friday/Cyber Monday = Programming Books Buy Craze!

Book shopping spree!!!

This morning I was browsing the Pragmatic Bookshelf’s catalog and end up buying a bunch of books:

All came with a 40% discount using the coupon: turkey. This offer stands from 23rd to 26th of November, so take a look at the Pragmatic Bookshelf before it is over! And don’t forget to check out Apress’ any book for 15$ deal on Monday.

P.S. Btw, did you know that you can follow Minecon 2012 live at GameSpot? (I am shocked about the huge ecosystem that Mojang managed around Minecraft! Kudos!)