Awesome sessions from Build 2012: Scott Hanselman Kicks Ass
I have started watching some sessions from //build/ and catching up since I was uber busy last week and could barely follow the event. I had in mind to focus on Windows Phone 8 for starters but then I saw that Scott Hanselman had a talk Angle Brackets, Curly Braces, One ASP.NET and the Cloud and, of course, could not resist. It was awesome, do not miss it.
I also started listening to Alan Mendelevich new podcast AppBizDev, a podcast completely focused on “Windows Phone and Windows 8 app marketing, funding and monetization”, and found out about this super interesting joint initiative by Microsoft and Nokia to support Windows Phone startups: the AppCampus.
Apart from investing 20,000 – 70,000 euros per project, AppCampus also supports the admitted applicants with comprehensive support, training in mobile technology, design and usability, and funding to create innovative new mobile apps and services. Windows Phone Marketplace and Nokia Store offer local and global business opportunities to program participants via distribution to consumers around the world.
We don’t take equity or commission from the investment. Successful applications are expected to be available exclusively on Windows Phone and other Nokia platforms for the first six months.

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.