Barbaric Tip of The Week: The Vim Ways Advent Calendar is Awesome!
Hello, traveller from the interwebs! Today I bring thee a slew of amazing articles on vim: Vim Ways.
Vim Ways is an advent calendar that brings you really, really high quality articles on vim through the month of December. 24 articles on:
- How to be superproductive at diffing codez with vimdiff
- Using vim with git and git with vim
- Mastering mapping!
- How to setup tags properly so you get nice code navigation and autocompletion
And lots more! If you’re interested in improving your vim skills definitely go and read them.
I do not know whether I’ve been completely blind for the past years or whether this year is something special but I’ve seen really good, regular programming advent calendars. Take a look and see if any of these tingles your curiosity muscle:
- @sulco is putting out a really good advent calendar on chrome dev tools. (He also shares great tips on TypeScript, VSCode, and loads of other things)
- @mattpodwysocki is doing one on RX.js and he’s even live streaming them on twitch. Cool!
- There’s the traditional advent of code with people participating all over the world and sharing their experience on and reddit.
- And there’s 24 way to impress your friends with a variety of topics from leadership to static blog generators.
Do you know of any other interesting calendar? Then tell me on the twitters! Have an awesome day!

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.