Boost Your Coding Fu with VSCode and Vim is Complete! Yihoo!
Yes! What started as the side project of a side project of a side project is now complete! Behold the final version of Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim.

Unleash the power of Vim in Visual Studio Code, boost your productivity and become an even more awesome developer.
A concise no-nonsense introduction to Vim in VSCode meant to get you over the initial hump and gliding into new lands of coding productivity. Free to read online and with lots of supporting videos.
Cool But Why Does This Book Even Exist?
As I was writing Wizards Use Vim, which is meant to be a beautiful tribute to the most awesome editor ever, I realized that there was a huge gap between the wider developer population and hardcore Vim users.
That gap is the significant amount of time and effort any developer needs to put in, in order to get comfortable in Vim. In order to get to a point where Vim becomes a viable editor you can use everyday at work in an effective way. Since not everyone has that time in their hands, nor the grit (we’re after all lazy creatures us humans), I thought that a perfect way to bridge that gap was meeting developers where they are, in their current editor, Visual Studio Code code.
Boosting Your Coding Fu is that bridge. It is the missing manual between modern text editors and hardcore Vim. It is designed to get you up to speed with Vim in the comfortable confines of your editor of choice, reaping the benefits of Vim without foregoing all the time that you have invested in your current editor.
Awesome, right? At least I hope it is. My own path into Vim was through VSVim, a Visual Studio plugin that much like VSCodeVim brings the awesomeness of Vim into Visual Studio. And I sure as hell would’ve loved to have a guide like this one when I started learning Vim. I sincerely hope that you’ll find it useful.
Where Can I Find it?
You can find it in multiple formats:
- Read it online in this very blog
- Get it on Leanpub as an ebook in pdf, epub and mobi formats.
- Or get it for your Kindle on Amazon
Upcoming plans
The book is complete but there’s some cool complementary things I’m working on to provide a better learning experience:
- A nice starter cheatsheet that you can print and use as reference and to take notes as your learn and practice. (By the by, there’s also a very comprehensive cheatsheet that you can find in this blog right now, the print version will be super pretty and fit in a single page)
- More videos that illustrate the use of VSCodeVim to enrich the existing Boost Your Coding Fu Playlist.
- A print version of the book to be available on Amazon shortly.
Since finishing stuff gives me renewed energy for kicking ass, writing and creating more awesome things to make you a better developer I’m looking forward to continue working on Wizards Use Vim and the next book in the JavaScriptmancy eries. Fun times ahead!
Oh! If you enjoyed the book please share it with your friends, write a review, spread the love! I’ll be for ever grateful because that means that my work will be able to help more people. And that’s one of the most important reasons that keeps me here writing.
Take care and have a wonderful day!
- The book is 100% based on the Vim experience in Visual Studio Code. However, there’s Vim-like modes and plugins in almost every editor and IDE. So much of what you will learn with this book is likely applicable to your editor.↩

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.