Behold! Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim - The Book

Hello! :D
Some weeks ago I wrote an article on how to improve your productivity with Visual Studio Code by using Vim titled: Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim and it was much better received than I had ever expected so I though: Hmm… Wouldn’t it be cool to make it a short book that people can use as a guide into VSCodeVim. And Tada! Here it is: Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim - The Book.
Boost Your Coding Fu is an improved and extended version of the original article for your enjoyment. A concise introduction to Vim in VSCode meant to get you over the initial hump and gliding into new lands of coding productivity.

It is about 90% complete and is free to read online. Let me know what you think! Hope you like it!
I started writing Wizards Use Vim to take a break from the JavaScriptmancy Series. Then I started writing a book on VSCodeVim to take a break from Wizards Use Vim. Procrastinator level epic.

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.