Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy

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Dev Talk Monday: What is Open Source and Why I Feel So Guilty

Dev Talk Monday is the series that brings you awesome dev talks every Monday

Last week I came upon this talk from dotJS 2012 completely by chance: What is Open Source and Why I Feel So Guilty?. In it, with tons of candor, sincerity and humor, @fat(bootstrap, ratchet, hogan, etc) narrates the history of open source from the closeness of the IBM days to GitHub and beyond, tells about the struggles of an open-source contributor, about burnout, puppies and makes a plea for the future to fucking revolt and fix this shit.

What is Open Source and Why I Feel So Guilty?

You can find the talk on YouTube together with all videos from the dotJS Conference.

The slides are freaking awesome too! - in a brilliant nerdy way. You can follow @fat on twitter and at his blog, he has some very nice - yet old - articles like this one, or this one or this other one… (voice slowly fading in the distance).

Jaime González García

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.Jaime González García