New and Shiny! Read Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim Online in This Very Site!

Finally! After some time working on this, I am finally able to announce that I’ve created a nicer online reading experience for Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim and published it in this very blog. Yihoo!!
I really hope you enjoy it and find it useful! There’s a new hub for the book and the videos that you can see here below:

It’ll keep updated as I go adding new videos in the upcoming weeks, and here you have a sample page from the actual book:

In the next few weeks, I’ll continue working in a nice cheatsheet that you can use as reference while learning Vim in VSCode and a printable version that you can have in classy paper format beside you. Also, there’ll be lots of new short videos coming to my YouTube channel. If you don’t wanna miss them, subscribe!
P.S. For some weird reason that I haven’t yet been able to fathom, my beloved pixely font renders somewhat weirdly on a mac… But well, well, better shipped than sorry.
P.S.2. And then there’s Wizards Use Vim.

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.