CoffeeScript is a beautiful programming language that transpiles to JavaScript and focuses on brevity and readability.
Basic CoffeeScript
You don’t need to explicitely declare variables in CoffeeScript:
// JavaScript
var message
message = 'Hello World'
// CoffeeScript
message = 'Hello World'
CoffeeScript uses indentation when defining functions and always assumes that the last expression within your function is going to be returned.
// JavaScript
var hello = function() {
return alert("Hello World");
// CoffeeScript
hello = ->
alert("Hello World")
If a given function has parameters you use the notation below:
// JavaScript
var say = function(message) {
return alert(message);
// CoffeeScript
hello = (message) ->
Default parameters are expressed via:
// CoffeeScript
hello = (message = "Hello World") ->
// this is the JavaScript that would be generated
var say;
say = function(message) {
if (message == null){
message = "Hello World";
return alert(message);
Calling functions in CoffeeScript is as easy as:
// CoffeeScript
say("Hello World")
say "Hello World" // We can remove the parentheses
add 1 2
Since parentheses can be obviated in every function call, a convention exists to remove the parentheses only in the outermost call to improve clarity. For instance, we would use alert say("hello world")
rather than alert say "hello world"
String Manipulation
In CoffeeScript you can use string interpolation to insert variables within a string:
// JavaScript
var many = 10
alert('I drank ' + many + ' beers yesterday')
// CoffeeScript
many = 10
alert('I drank #{many} beers yesterday')
More CoffeeScript Syntactic Sugar
- In CoffeeScript you can use
to refer tothis
Installing CoffeeScript
Via Node.js
- Install node.js
- Install npm (node package manager)
- Install CoffeeScript using
npm install -g coffee-script
- Verify it has installed correctly
coffee -h
- To transcompile a CoffeeScript file use
coffee -c
- To transcompile a CoffeeScript file every time the source code is updated use
coffee -cw
- To transcompile all CoffeeScripts files in a folder use
coffee -c src -o js
- As in 6. you can also use
coffee -cw src -o js
In Visual Studio
CoffeeScript Resources

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.