Interesting Talks on Programming and Other Matters
- FunFunFunction. Awesome show on JavaScript, programming and life by mpj.
- Google Chrome Developers. Contains lots of really good series on web development, web performance, UX and design.
Object Oriented Programming
- Object Re-oriented Programming: Back to OOP roorts with JavaScript and TypeScript - Rafał Pocztarski.
- Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel - Dan Abramov: Awesome talk where Dan Abramov unveils Redux at React Europe 2015
- How to do 90% of what plugins do (With just Vim). Great talk that goes through a lot of features in vim which are baked into vim yet are often replaced by plugins.

Written by Jaime González García , dad, husband, software engineer, ux designer, amateur pixel artist, tinkerer and master of the arcane arts. You can also find him on Twitter jabbering about random stuff.