Barbarian Meets Coding

WebDev, UX & a Pinch of Fantasy

TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 3: Functions

TypeScript is a modern and safer version of JavaScript that has taken the web development world by storm. It is a superset of JavaScript that adds in some additional features, syntactic sugar and static type analysis aimed at making you more productive and able to scale your JavaScript projects.

This is the third part of a series of articles where we explore TypeScript’s comprehensive type system and learn how you can take advantage of it to build very robust and maintainable web apps. Today, we shall look at functions!

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Jaime's Guide to Tmux: The Most Awesome Tool You Didn't know you needed

tmux is one of those things in life that at first encounter sound really weird and confusing. You learn about them and you can’t quite understand what the heck they do, how they can be useful or why anybody would want to use them. BUT it is one of those things that when given a chance, when given some experimentation, courage and perseverance, it turns out that they are awesome, and you can’t quite live without them.

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My favorite books of 2019

I love reading! I read before going to bed, at the gym, on the commute, on the sofa, in that cozy corner in our home office, at the coffeehouse, on a plane, in the toilet, in the toilet on the plane (no way), on the train, all-the-time. Here are my top picks for 2019.

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Learn Svelte

Svelte is a modern web framework that takes a novel approach to building web applications by moving the bulk of its work from runtime to compile-time. Being a compiler-first framework allows Svelte to do some very interesting stuff that is unavailable to other frameworks like disappearing from your application at runtime, or allowing for a component centered development with HTML, JavaScript and CSS coexisting within the same Svelte file in a very web standards friendly fashion.

I’ve been following Svelte’s progress for quite some time and I finally found some time to tinker with it. This is the beginning of a series of posts where you’ll be able to read about my experience and adventures with Svelte starting with a couple of videos and some resources to get you warmed up.

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TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 2: The Absence of Value

TypeScript is a modern and safer version of JavaScript that has taken the web development world by storm. It is a superset of JavaScript that adds in some additional features, syntactic sugar and static type analysis aimed at making you more productive and able to scale your JavaScript projects. This is the second part of a series of articles where we explore TypeScript’s comprehensive type system and learn how you can take advantage of it to build very robust and maintainable web apps.

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