Exploring Vim Venture forth in the exotic land of Vim

Follow along as I dive deep into the mysterious world of Vim and learn how to write code at the speed of thought.
Vim is this wonderful editor that is different from anything else out there and which has persevered over the decades increasing in usage and gathering a crowd of passionate fans in love with Vim and its awesome capabilities.
In this series I dive into what makes Vim special, why you should care to use a decades old editor in this modern age of software development and how to be a super effective developer using Vim.
Articles in the Series
Exploring Vim
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought.
Setting Up Your Vim To Be More Awesome At Vim
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought. In this article you'll learn the very basics on how to configure and customize vim
Vlog: Exploring Vim
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought. This time in video format!
Vim: The 10 Things You Need To Know To Get Through The Dip
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought. In this article you'll learn the minimum set of commands and motions that will allow you to be super productive with vim and fly switftly through the first dip.
Vlog: Setting Up Your Vim To Be More Awesome At Vim
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought. In this part of the series I talk about how the very basics of setting up vim.
8 Great Books To Improve Your Vim Fu
I am in a journey to improve my vim skills. Join me and discover vim, an editor that lets you write code at the speed thought. In this article I recommend five books you can read to improve your vim skills
Vim Plugins: A Methodology to Become 1% Better Every Week
Whereby we present a new series diving into useful vim plugins and discuss a methodology for taking the most advantage of your plugins.
Improve and Extend Your Text Objects With targets.vim
Whereby we start a new series diving into useful vim plugins. The first of which is vim.targets, an essential vim plugin that lets you extend and improve the use of text objects in Vim.